Why Holding a Grudge is a Bad Idea

A grudge is a noun. At least in the way I'm talking about it today. It's a thing. Imagine, for a moment that a grudge is shaped like an orange....which makes sense if you're holding a small grudge. But what if you're holding a really, really big grudge? It might be shaped more like a boulder.... very heavy and hard to carry. Not easy to hide, either. There's a direct relationship between a grudge and un-forgiveness. We can't profess to have forgiven someone and carry a grudge. Would you agree? A grudge is a manifestation of un-forgiveness. And to live with un-forgiveness is (as many have heard it said, I'm sure) to eat poison and wait for the other person to die. It's doing more damage to the one holding on to it that the perpetrator. Whomever wronged us has probably all but forgotten about it. But we diligently hold on to our grudge...carrying it with us where ever we go. If it's a small g...