The Importance of Learning to Dress the Part

My mom always referred to my wardrobe by the activity the clothes were intended clothes, church clothes, school naturally, as I was growing up I added my own references: work clothes, going-out clothes, cleaning-house clothes, fat clothes... not that 'fat' is an activity...maybe I should have called them my eating-too-much clothes. My first real job was in a department store. I worked in the Junior Department. I loved that job. I made friends with other employees, and the question was always, "What department are you in?" Shoes. Dresses. Lingerie. Misses. Men's. Perhaps a more effective way to organize a store would be by activity. But today, as I begin a new year with the hopes of fitting back in my "not-eating-at-all clothes" (see yesterday's blog), I was thinking about what to put on this morning. It occurred to me that the world now lovingly refers to athletic cloth...