I'm forgiven...but you're not??

None of us is perfect. We are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) So if God is willing to forgive us...who are we to withhold forgiveness from each other? A recent discussion with my ladies small group Bible study really got me thinking about this subject. Forgiveness, just like love, is a decision - not an emotion. Deciding to forgive someone for hurting you doesn't mean that the pain and heartache just blow away like a tumbleweed. Some pains may take years to get rid of. Deciding to forgive is more like trying to chop down a tree. You can get rid of the biggest, most visible part, but after a while little stems start popping back up from the ground and you can keep mowing them over so you can't see it...but until you deal with the roots, it's never truly gone. God is the ultimate landscaper. He knows how to deal with pesky roots so that the things we want to be rid of will be gone...forever....