A Song in My Heart
Music speaks the language of the soul. Victor Hugo once said that "Music expresses that which
cannot be put into words, but on which it is impossible to remain silent." Yep. That about sums it up.
Music is everywhere. Our phones are like little juke boxes in our pockets. I love my Pandora app. It lets me choose stations to listen to based on a particular genre, artist or song. You can give the song a 'thumbs up' and that song will play more frequently on your station, or you can give it a 'thumbs down' which will remove it from the station completely. After a few 'ups and downs' your station becomes very customized to your liking. It's brilliant! My "Christian Contemporary Radio" station is just about perfected.
My husband and son like country music (and so do I), but if you listen to the words, it would seem that all women have long tan legs, ripped-up, tight-fitting jeans, and we all dream of marrying a country boy in a pick-up truck who likes to party with a red Solo cup! But the beat is catchy and the words are easy to learn, so we find ourselves tapping and singing along. It's a lot of fun actually.
One of the funniest songs I've ever heard is Backwards, by Rascal Flatts.
But some music can be so depressing... and to prove the point that like it or not, music affects your thoughts, watch this video of a precious little boy feeling the emotions of a sad song. That precious child likely has no relational experience that would cause him to rationalize the words of that song. It's the tone, the feeling you get when you listen. It speaks to your soul.
In 1 Samuel 16 we read about Saul, who had been the king of Israel until he sinned against God and he was stricken with an evil spirit . The only relief he could get was when David (the future king) would play the harp for him. The music spoke to his soul.
Music is a gift from God and we should enjoy it. But be careful little ears, what you hear. Listening to the sappy love songs can easily set us up for failure by creating a false expectation of what love is. Although the world defines love differently than the Bible does, the men in our lives would have a really tough time measuring up to the Casanova-ish men portrayed in most modern music.
Music paints a picture in your mind, just like reading a book. You build a character in your imagination and then we proceed to compare our lives to that image. Somehow we usually end up on the short end of that stick.
I have found that the music playing on my radio is like a barometer of my walk with God. It doesn't take long on the wrong station to begin to affect my thoughts and my mood. So my advice is just plain and simple: listen to Christian music. Nothing profound. And no excuses. There are hundreds of ways to get music to your ears. And here's one that will speak profoundly to your soul. Enjoy.
Be blessed.
cannot be put into words, but on which it is impossible to remain silent." Yep. That about sums it up.

My husband and son like country music (and so do I), but if you listen to the words, it would seem that all women have long tan legs, ripped-up, tight-fitting jeans, and we all dream of marrying a country boy in a pick-up truck who likes to party with a red Solo cup! But the beat is catchy and the words are easy to learn, so we find ourselves tapping and singing along. It's a lot of fun actually.
One of the funniest songs I've ever heard is Backwards, by Rascal Flatts.
But some music can be so depressing... and to prove the point that like it or not, music affects your thoughts, watch this video of a precious little boy feeling the emotions of a sad song. That precious child likely has no relational experience that would cause him to rationalize the words of that song. It's the tone, the feeling you get when you listen. It speaks to your soul.
In 1 Samuel 16 we read about Saul, who had been the king of Israel until he sinned against God and he was stricken with an evil spirit . The only relief he could get was when David (the future king) would play the harp for him. The music spoke to his soul.
Music is a gift from God and we should enjoy it. But be careful little ears, what you hear. Listening to the sappy love songs can easily set us up for failure by creating a false expectation of what love is. Although the world defines love differently than the Bible does, the men in our lives would have a really tough time measuring up to the Casanova-ish men portrayed in most modern music.
Music paints a picture in your mind, just like reading a book. You build a character in your imagination and then we proceed to compare our lives to that image. Somehow we usually end up on the short end of that stick.
I have found that the music playing on my radio is like a barometer of my walk with God. It doesn't take long on the wrong station to begin to affect my thoughts and my mood. So my advice is just plain and simple: listen to Christian music. Nothing profound. And no excuses. There are hundreds of ways to get music to your ears. And here's one that will speak profoundly to your soul. Enjoy.
Be blessed.
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