No More Walking Dead
I have a confession to make. I watch that zombie show that everyone is talking about with my family.
Don't be a hater. Don't judge...and you don't even have to admit if you watch it, too.
I got 'sucked in' last winter, when the snow was piled sky-high and there was nothing to do. My twenty-something daughter and her boyfriend watched it regularly and talked about the characters as if they were personal friends. So my husband was the first to pick the fruit and take a bite. He logged into our online movie provider and began a weekend-long, commercial-free marathon of that zombie show.
I wasn't interested at first, but once the dishes were done, laundry was folded, floors swept, and any other menial task I could come up with to keep myself busy was finished, I finally resigned to sitting beside him on the couch, with a bag of popcorn in hand, and began learning the plot and the characters. By the end of the night, I too was hooked.
Let's be honest; it's basically a soap opera, like any other...90210, Melrose Place, Days of Our Lives. It's a continuing story-line. With zombies. And since I'm a rational, logical adult, I know it's all special effects. I don't lose any sleep at night worrying about zombies showing up at my house. But just in case, I have 30 gallon-jugs full of water in the basement.
Since the show is now on a mid-season break, we will be back to watching football on Sunday nights until February. But that show got me thinking about something... This world is full of walking dead. Unsaved people, walking through life, not having a clue how horrific Hell will be. Not believing. Not caring. Only they don't look like zombies. They look just like you and me.
When we are saved, we are covered by the blood of Christ. When God examines the world, He sees us through the filter of the blood - so He sees our eternal souls. But those who are unsaved, those who are lost, maybe they look like walking dead to God.
Every day that we wake up, we are one day closer to the end. There is no doubt about that. As Christians we are called to share the Good News with everyone, so that none have to perish but that all may have eternal life. (See John 3: 15 and 16) Knowing that the end is drawing near, we should feel a rush of urgency to make sure that everyone has had the opportunity to accept Christ, until there are no more walking dead.
During this past season, several episodes were set in the sanctuary of a church and there were scripture references scattered throughout. Being the nerd that I am, I took notes and looked them up. It was fascinating to see how the verses fit with the show. There is one verse that I didn't see...which surprised me. Isaiah 49:26 (NIV)
So, like it or not, my friends, the Bible addresses the fact that there are walking dead among us. And it's time to get busy sharing the love of Christ.
Be blessed.
P.S. After doing some digging, I found that there are some very wise youth pastors using the series as a catalyst for Bible study and discussion with teens. Brilliant!
Don't be a hater. Don't judge...and you don't even have to admit if you watch it, too.
I got 'sucked in' last winter, when the snow was piled sky-high and there was nothing to do. My twenty-something daughter and her boyfriend watched it regularly and talked about the characters as if they were personal friends. So my husband was the first to pick the fruit and take a bite. He logged into our online movie provider and began a weekend-long, commercial-free marathon of that zombie show.
I wasn't interested at first, but once the dishes were done, laundry was folded, floors swept, and any other menial task I could come up with to keep myself busy was finished, I finally resigned to sitting beside him on the couch, with a bag of popcorn in hand, and began learning the plot and the characters. By the end of the night, I too was hooked.
Let's be honest; it's basically a soap opera, like any other...90210, Melrose Place, Days of Our Lives. It's a continuing story-line. With zombies. And since I'm a rational, logical adult, I know it's all special effects. I don't lose any sleep at night worrying about zombies showing up at my house. But just in case, I have 30 gallon-jugs full of water in the basement.
Since the show is now on a mid-season break, we will be back to watching football on Sunday nights until February. But that show got me thinking about something... This world is full of walking dead. Unsaved people, walking through life, not having a clue how horrific Hell will be. Not believing. Not caring. Only they don't look like zombies. They look just like you and me.
When we are saved, we are covered by the blood of Christ. When God examines the world, He sees us through the filter of the blood - so He sees our eternal souls. But those who are unsaved, those who are lost, maybe they look like walking dead to God.

During this past season, several episodes were set in the sanctuary of a church and there were scripture references scattered throughout. Being the nerd that I am, I took notes and looked them up. It was fascinating to see how the verses fit with the show. There is one verse that I didn't see...which surprised me. Isaiah 49:26 (NIV)
"I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine. Then all mankind will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob."Ewwww. That's in the Bible?? Seriously?
So, like it or not, my friends, the Bible addresses the fact that there are walking dead among us. And it's time to get busy sharing the love of Christ.
Be blessed.
P.S. After doing some digging, I found that there are some very wise youth pastors using the series as a catalyst for Bible study and discussion with teens. Brilliant!
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