Mother's Love

This was one of the first poems I wrote as an adult. My mother, who had been taking college courses ever since I could remember, was about to graduate college at 50 years old. I didn't know what to get her as a gift, so I wrote her a poem. I hand wrote it on 'pretty paper' and had it framed with her graduation announcement. 

More than 30 years later it still hangs in her home.

Mother’s Love

As I look back with the knowledge

Of what “Mother’s Love” really is

I see a kind of caring

The kind that always gives.

I see the understanding

That only a mother knows

A love that never fails

As every day it grows.

In her eyes I see compassion

She feels my every pain

She knows just what I’m going through

And what experience I must gain.

Always there to lend a hand

And help me when I’m down

She picks me up, she helps me out

She’s turned my life around.

When I think about my mother

An ageless beauty in my eyes

She’s everything her children need

So wonderful and wise.

It’s not every day her child can stand

And watch her dreams come true

Today you are a graduate

And Mom, I’m so proud of you…

Love, Lynnette


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