Stuck in a Roundabout
In 2017, my husband surprised me with a fabulous trip to Europe for our 20th wedding anniversary. We spent three days in each, London, Paris and Germany, traveling between cities by rail. It was truly the trip of a lifetime and according to our fitness trackers, we walked more than 20 miles in those nine days. .jpg)
Walking seemed safer for us. Maybe for everyone around us as well because most of the streets were narrow, cobblestone streets that often intersected with roundabouts. Roundabouts are helpful, I suppose. They mitigate stop lights and stop signs, but you have to be a confident driver to jump in or out when you have the opportunity...And we were not confident drivers in Europe. Street signs were a in foreign language and the steering wheel is on the right side of the car! These roundabouts were basically a free-for-all. No lines to mark lanes of traffic. No signs. Just say a prayer and hope for the best.
The intersection at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris was the 'Mac Daddy' of roundabouts. As you can see in the photo, taken from the top of the Arc, it was anxiety-inducing just watching and hearing the incessant beeping of horns.
Roundabouts are everywhere these days. I still use GPS almost every time I leave the house and the familiar voice of Google maps says to me, "in 500 feet, at the traffic circle, take the 2nd exit to stay on Main Street." Sometimes that's easier said than done, but at least I know what I need to do. I just hope I am able to get over without being blocked by some pokey driver that doesn't know 'roundabout etiquette'.

Recently, my Bible study workbook asked the question "Where are you?" (spiritually speaking) and my brain immediately went to Arc de Triomphe. Going in circles. Noisy. Chaotic. Trying to find the right exit to get to where I'm supposed to be signs. No lines.
How do we find our way out of the spiritual roundabout? What signs are we looking for? Who's giving us direction? Do we even know where we are supposed to be going? And why does the devil have to show up as the pokey driver that seems to always be in my way!?

I'm guessing that God at times feels like my co-workers wife... I keep calling Him and saying "I'm stuck! I can't figure out how to get out of this messy, chaotic, noisy roundabout!" It's so important to keep His word as my personal GPS and listen to the prompts.
Maybe that's the answer I had been searching for. So I prayed, "Lord! Please turn my roundabout into a cul-de-sac with only ONE way out!"
And the only way out is a complete 180 degrees back to the way you came from. Back to the waiting arms of my heavenly Father.
This may sound like complete nonsense to most of you, but when God brings these divine revelations to your life, you just have to savor them.
Be blessed!
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