Sharing my Fries
I've heard hundreds, maybe thousands of good sermons over the course of my life, but every now and then I hear one that just makes so much sense, that it sticks. Ya know what I mean? About 14 years ago, sitting in a comfy chair at Northview Christian Church, Pastor Steve Poe delivered one of those kinds of sermons.

My memory is a little fuzzy on the rest of the story, but the point was that when our Father gives us something, it should be our pleasure to give some back to Him, but sadly, so often I tend to act just like my own selfish children and furrow my brow and offer up a hearty UGH! I'm ashamed to admit that may have even stomped my feet in protest a time or two. Never mind who gave me the blessing in the first place.
This principle was further demonstrated when Pastor Steve asked one of the deacons for twenty dollars. Mr. Deacon stood up and opened his wallet and handed the pastor a twenty dollar bill without hesitation. Then the pastor shared that the reason it was so easy to get the money from him was because he had given it to Mr. Deacon just before the service started and asked him to hold on to it until Pastor Steve asked to have it back.
Isn't that what God does with us? He gives us blessings in life - He entrusts things and people to us for a time while we are here on Earth. Every blessing is on loan from Him. But sometimes He asks for some of it back, like our money. He asks for tithes and offerings. God instructed us to bring our tithe into the storehouse. And He promised to bless our giving. It's a promise you can take to the bank.
Other things (or people) He entrusts to us for a season, and then He may ask us to give it back to Him, whether figuratively or sometimes literally. It's hard to understand why He sometimes does that, but we have to learn to trust Him. He knows what He's doing.
Yesterday, we sang a praise and worship song at church that I've never sang before. The words of the chorus said, "It's your breath in our lungs, so we pour out our praise to You only." The words of that song brought the French fry story front and center of my mind. Why? Because God gave us the breath in our lungs. And He's asking us to give some of it back to Him. Sometimes our Father gives us yummy, delicious French fries. They're Your fries, on my tray, so I offer them back to You only.
What has God given you and asked you to share with Him? I know what He's asking me for...and it's time to share my fries.
Be blessed.
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