Trust Issues?
Faith and trust go hand in hand. Would you agree? In my mind they are closer than cousins...perhaps more like Siamese twins. It's difficult for me to imagine having one without the other...but I'm not here to debate the fact, or to convince you one way or another. It's just my humble opinion. Take it or leave it. But have you ever thought about the amount of faith and trust it takes to get through a day??
Walk through a typical day with me: I have faith that my alarm clock will go off. Which means 1) I trust that the electrician properly wired my home to provide power to charge my phone, and 2) I trust that the folks in that factory in some distant land put all the pieces together properly when my phone and charger were assembled. 3) I trust the person who wrote the program that causes my phone to keep up with time accurately...
Getting in the car and driving my child to school requires monumental faith! I have to 1) trust that my car won't break down, and 2) trust all the other people driving on the roads to do what they are supposed to do; people that I often (lovingly) refer to as idiots. Now I'm trusting them? Yikes.
You can see how quickly this list grows. We are putting our faith in surgeons and anesthesiologists who may have slept through class the day our particular problem was discussed. We trust pilots and jet mechanics. We have faith in stop lights and railroad crossing warning systems.
The only stranger I have decided to actively withhold trust from is the weatherman. He's earned it.
Today I happened to catch a special on the Travel Channel about roller coasters. One of them was the Millennium Force at Cedar Rapids. Take a moment to watch the video and then you'll have a frame of reference for the following statement that one guy made when he was being interviewed. He said, "I just have to trust that the rails are going to be there." Seriously. He said that.
If it's so common and apparently so easy to trust selfish, forgetful, careless, humans, then why do some of us have such a difficult time trusting the Creator of the universe? The only perfect person who ever walked the face of the earth...the only one who loves you more than your mom...the one who cannot lie, who promised to never leave you, or forsake you. Why do we struggle putting our faith in Him?
Many say they have faith in God - but then they let stress and fear dominate their thoughts and turn their bodies into a breeding ground for illness. Check out some of the effects of stress on the body.
God says "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...." (Isaiah 41:10) So how can fear and faith coexist? They can't. So do you really trust God? Where's that faith that you offered the cook at the restaurant, that he didn't put anything disgusting in your sandwich? You trusted him, but you don't trust God?
Try this simple exercise: Make a list of all the people you trusted today.
Was Christ on the list? Was He #1 on the list?
Imagine how much peace you could have if you'd just let go and let God. Life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes we need to throw our hands up and trust that the great coaster builder knew what He was doing, and just know that the rails are going to be there.
Be blessed!
Walk through a typical day with me: I have faith that my alarm clock will go off. Which means 1) I trust that the electrician properly wired my home to provide power to charge my phone, and 2) I trust that the folks in that factory in some distant land put all the pieces together properly when my phone and charger were assembled. 3) I trust the person who wrote the program that causes my phone to keep up with time accurately...
Getting in the car and driving my child to school requires monumental faith! I have to 1) trust that my car won't break down, and 2) trust all the other people driving on the roads to do what they are supposed to do; people that I often (lovingly) refer to as idiots. Now I'm trusting them? Yikes.
You can see how quickly this list grows. We are putting our faith in surgeons and anesthesiologists who may have slept through class the day our particular problem was discussed. We trust pilots and jet mechanics. We have faith in stop lights and railroad crossing warning systems.
The only stranger I have decided to actively withhold trust from is the weatherman. He's earned it.
Today I happened to catch a special on the Travel Channel about roller coasters. One of them was the Millennium Force at Cedar Rapids. Take a moment to watch the video and then you'll have a frame of reference for the following statement that one guy made when he was being interviewed. He said, "I just have to trust that the rails are going to be there." Seriously. He said that.
If it's so common and apparently so easy to trust selfish, forgetful, careless, humans, then why do some of us have such a difficult time trusting the Creator of the universe? The only perfect person who ever walked the face of the earth...the only one who loves you more than your mom...the one who cannot lie, who promised to never leave you, or forsake you. Why do we struggle putting our faith in Him?
Many say they have faith in God - but then they let stress and fear dominate their thoughts and turn their bodies into a breeding ground for illness. Check out some of the effects of stress on the body.
God says "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God...." (Isaiah 41:10) So how can fear and faith coexist? They can't. So do you really trust God? Where's that faith that you offered the cook at the restaurant, that he didn't put anything disgusting in your sandwich? You trusted him, but you don't trust God?
Try this simple exercise: Make a list of all the people you trusted today.
Was Christ on the list? Was He #1 on the list?
Imagine how much peace you could have if you'd just let go and let God. Life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes we need to throw our hands up and trust that the great coaster builder knew what He was doing, and just know that the rails are going to be there.
Be blessed!
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