As you know, my hubby travels extensively for his job. There are many days that go by and I'm lucky to get five full minutes of conversation. Much of our communication happens via text message.
Several years ago, while listening to a radio show, my husband learned that the numbers 1,4,3, when sent as a text, mean "I love you." The number 1 represents one letter, "I". The number 4 represents four letters, "l-o-v-e." The number 3, as I'm sure you can guess, represents three letters, "y-o-u."
The first time he texted me 143 I had no clue what he meant. He explained it to me and since then it has become a regular part of our conversations.

Last weekend, at the Women of Faith conference, I learned another reason to love the numbers 143! Turns out that Psalm 143:8 is a new "life verse" for me.
"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life."
I have changed my lock screen on my phone (also my alarm clock) to a clip art of this verse, so when my alarm goes off and I reach for my phone, this verse is the first thing my sleepy eyes see each morning. Before my feet even hit the floor, I want to ask God to show me the way...because of His unfailing love for me.
Show me the way I should go...have you ever been to a store and asked what aisle some particular item could be found in and the employee just says, "Aisle nine." And gives you that fake smile that screams, "please don't bother me..." Then there are some stores where the associates are trained to walk you to the aisle and help you find the item. That's how God is...show me the way I should go...He will walk with us. He will hold our hand. He will even carry us when we need Him to.
I love the word 'entrust' because it's more than just 'trusting' God with my life. It means "to charge or invest with a trust or responsibility, charge with a specified office or duty involving trust." Not only do I trust God, I put Him in charge of the responsibility of being trusted with my life.
When Randy texts 143, I know it means that he loves me...but is his humanness, he will fail me...but God's unfailing love is something I can count on, even when the whole world is falling apart around me.
Be blessed!
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