Outta the Shower and Into the World

Somehow, here it is October 30th in central Indiana, and we have yet to turn on our furnace.  The 's-word' is in the forecast for tomorrow night, but my heels are dug in and I'm not budging...until Saturday.  November 1st is our goal for firing up the wood furnace - and it looks like we are going to make it.  So what if I have to sleep in a stocking cap, sweatshirt, wool socks and fleece-lined leggings. 

As the sun comes up, so does the temperature inside my house...and I finally broke down and brought the electric space heater in from my husband's 'Man Cave' last night.  It has helped take the chill off.  I'm thinking we could go another week without the furnace...

As I stood in the shower this morning, watching the steam billow from the top of the shower into the chilly air of the bathroom, I seriously pictured myself standing there until every last drop of hot water was gone from the tank.  Cold water would certainly chase me back to my wool socks.

It was so warm and relaxing...so comfortable...it was just what I needed.  I dreaded the thought of exiting the shower to a cold robe.  And suddenly, God showed me a parallel.  When we are immersed in worship and fellowship with Him, it's like standing in that hot shower.  It's warm and relaxing.  It's comfortable.  It's just what we need.  And naturally, we want to stay there and soak up every last drop.

But God needs us to step out of the shower and get to work.  His work.  We are ineffective for His kingdom if we spend all day in the shower.

Just a couple weeks ago, my best friend gave breath to the same sentiment that I know I have felt many times: "Can we just spend all day, everyday, in the Word?"

Oh how cozy that would be... to stay in my sweatpants and house slippers, coffee mug in hand and pour over God's word all day...everyday... and there are many days that I am blessed enough to do just that - but there comes a time when we have to get dressed, and get busy for God.

My response to her was obviously a word from the Lord, because I am not prone to thinking such kingdom thoughts so readily... "I feel that way too sometimes...but then God reminds me that He called us to go into the world and be His witnesses...to show His love to a dark, lost world.  So put on your armor and let's get to witnessing!"

I love my friends honest heart when she replied, "Ouch! Those are my toes you just stepped on, BFF!"  I'm thankful for friends who love Jesus as much as I do.

I know God has a calling on each of us to be His hands and feet to the world, right in the midst of doing life.  So often we feel 'impressed' to do something...we can't explain why we were moved to give a bag of clothes to the women's shelter, or why we made donating food to the neighborhood pantry a priority, but God is counting on us to be in the world without being of the world.  2 Peter 2:11 calls us aliens and strangers in the world and v. 12 says to 'Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.'  The world is watching.

We can't do that standing in the shower.

I'm reminded of the funny 'prayer' (I'm using that term very loosely here) that goes:
Dear Lord,
So far I've done all right.
I haven't gossipped,
haven't lost my temper,
haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent.
I'm really glad about that.

But in a few minutes, God,
I'm going to get out of bed.
And from then on,
I'm going to need a lot more help.

That hits home though, doesn't it?  We're safer in our beds, or in our spiritual shower...whatever that may be, whether it's your small group, your church service or your dining room.

We can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our 'church sisters' (and there's nothing wrong with doing so!) but facing in, towards each other, we tend to exclude the world.  In one of her newest studies, author and teacher Beth Moore illustrated this point beautifully, and showed us how if we would just turn around and face the world, we are still standing shoulder-to-shoulder with our sisters, but we can see the lost and bring them in to our safe place.   (I'm sure I'd be violating some law if I posted the video here, but I can tell you it's in the Children of the Day study series, Session 2, start at about 51:00 and watch through at least 54:15 - Look for it on YouTube, or you can purchase the session at Lifeway.com for $5.  You'll be glad you did!)

Sisters, I'm about to step outta this shower and pull on my boots and helmet (aka wool socks and stocking cap) and show the world the love of Jesus like they've never known...who wants to get shoulder-to-shoulder with me? 

Be blessed!!


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