
Reel after reel, telling me that this or that is toxic and will cause cancer or disrupt my hormones. Gloom and despair at every turn. At some point, I decided to start a list of all the things that I have used for decades that now, according to some reel I viewed on social media, are bad for me. (And these are in addition to the Big 3 of my generation - tanning, smoking and drinking!)
- Using a microwave
- Fruits and veggies that aren’t ‘organic'
- Using aluminum foil with food
- The forever chemicals in air fresheners and candles
- The very fabric our clothes are made of
- Costume jewelry
- Blue light
- LED light
- The shampoo I’m using
- Plastic ANYTHING
- WIFI radiation
- Table salt
- Baby wipes
- Tylenol and Advil
- Antibiotics
- Teflon-coated pans
- Plastic cooking utensils
- Laundry detergent…
Good grief - is it a miracle I’m not dead yet!?
But the video I saw last night nearly did me in…. Are you ready for this one?
Now toilet paper is dangerous and full of toxins. I was going to link the video here - but honestly, I don't want to be the one to push you into the rabbit hole today.
What on earth are we supposed to do now!?
How am I not dead yet? Seriously! If everything I ‘love’ is killing me. (Relax, I don’t really love Teflon pans…it’s the title of a country song.)
I was having a chat with God about all these terrible things and wondering how I could ever protect my family. As a Gen Xer we used to jokingly suggest that one could be wrapped in bubble wrap to stay safe - but apparently even bubble wrap is trying to kills us now. It’s enough to make you want to throw up your hands and say ‘I give!’
How do we cope when everything we touch is toxic and dangerous?
We pray for peace amidst the chaos. Only God can offer the peace that passes understanding. (Philippians 4:7) Now, I firmly believe that when it’s ‘my time’ to go, it won’t matter what I’m doing or have done to protect myself because my days are ordered by God (Psalm 139:16). I can be the healthiest person on the planet and avoid every single thing on the list, but when my time is up, I might get taken out by a piece of space junk falling from the sky as I walk between my car and the front door of the gym. (Not likely, because I don’t actually go to a gym.) But this belief gives me peace.
And then God clearly reminded me that we are not here on Earth, at this time, by accident. If you’re familiar with the story of Esther, you’ll understand what I mean when I say ‘for such a time as this.’ (Esther 4:14) If you’re not familiar with her story - it’s definitely worth investigating.
God knew when he created each of us exactly the circumstances we would be in today - a world that feels like a hot mess. God doesn't make mistakes. He has equipped us for this journey. But it's up to us to choose to guard our minds and not let the voice of the enemy fill our hearts with dread and immobilize us.
Satan is NOT trying to turn you into a 'devil worshiper'. He's just trying to render you ineffective for the Kingdom of God. So trust the equipment that God gave you - your body, your mind, and His Spirit - and stop the doomscrolling. Recognize the fear-mongering that exists all around us and choose to think on POSITIVE things! (Philippians 4:8) There's a great book by Tommy Newberry called the 4:8 Principle. I highly recommend it.
You know what else is toxic? Main stream media. They are creating more strife, hatred, dissension and discord that ever - especially as we approach the election. Friends, no matter who wins on Tuesday, GOD is still on the throne. He has it all sorted out and knows what’s coming. And He has fully equipped you for life.
Remember the silly cookie jar that came out in the late 90’s (I think) that looked like a
police officer? When you tried to get a cookie, a gruff voice would say “Stop! Move away from the cookie jar!” That’s sort of how I feel about social media and main stream media right now.Stop! Move away from the television or your phone… for your own mental health. And please - don’t start doomscrolling.
Be blessed.
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