No More Walking Dead

I have a confession to make. I watch that zombie show that everyone is talking about with my family. Don't be a hater. Don't judge...and you don't even have to admit if you watch it, too. I got 'sucked in' last winter, when the snow was piled sky-high and there was nothing to do. My twenty-something daughter and her boyfriend watched it regularly and talked about the characters as if they were personal friends. So my husband was the first to pick the fruit and take a bite. He logged into our online movie provider and began a weekend-long, commercial-free marathon of that zombie show. I wasn't interested at first, but once the dishes were done, laundry was folded, floors swept, and any other menial task I could come up with to keep myself busy was finished, I finally resigned to sitting beside him on the couch, with a bag of popcorn in hand, and began learning the plot and the characters. By the end of the night, I too was hooked. L...