Bring the Rain

Have you ever seen a pond covered with thick, green, gross-looking algae?  It's not very pretty.  You try to go fishing and by the time you reel in your line, you have a six-foot long piece of yuck hanging from the hook.  Sans fish. 

We have man-made pond in our front yard, about a half an acre or so.  There was a creek running through our yard and we just had it 'expanded.'  We added a sand area for bon fires and a small L-shaped dock.  We have spent many a summer night sitting around the fire, visiting with friends while roasting marshmallows and catching catfish.

This year it seems like there's been a lot of that green gunk floating on top, which makes fishing nearly impossible, thus hampering our enjoyment.  It looks stagnant, even though the flow of water rarely stops completely.  But after the weather we've endured over the past 24 hours, the pond is looking much, much better.  The surface is clear and inviting.  I am anxious to walk down and spend a few minutes watching for turtles and Blue Herons.  

We had a few hours of gully-washing rain...I think I learned that phrase after living in the South.  That's the kind of rain that makes the grass grow at a phenomenal rate, but makes the yard too soggy to cut.  It's a soul-cleansing kind of rain. 

Soul-cleansing...pond-clearing.  Yes, God, I see the analogy.   Sometimes my soul gets a funky layer of icky 'stuff' floating on top.  It gets stagnant.  Maybe even stinky.  And often it takes a soul-cleansing rain to clear it up. 

Has this ever happened to you?  You didn't notice it creeping in at first, and you didn't intend to get stagnant.  But without passion our hearts just sort of rot.  We get icky.  Sister, we need to be either all in, or all out - because there is no middle of the road.  If you're living like a still, moss-covered, smelly pond, then it's time to pray for a cleansing rain to get you moving in the right direction.  We can't be 'lukewarm' because if we are, Jesus warns that we are about to be spit out of his mouth. (Rev 3:16) 

Often we are not even aware that we've become complacent and that the flow of the Spirit has all but stopped in our lives.  But God knows.  And He knows what it will take to clear away the gunk from the surface.  A soul-cleansing rain. 

Can you remember a time when you received a healing rain?  A storm that literally washed away the mess and left you clean and peaceful?  I can.  It wasn't fun.  But when the storm was past and I was able to wring out my pride, the sun broke through the clouds and a beautiful rainbow appeared.  My soul was clean, and I could once again be used by God. 

Satan loves to keep us covered in gunk and block the flow - it's his way of keeping us ineffective and defeated.  So if you're facing a deluge of rain in your life, or feel like the storm may never end, keep in mind that God only allows us to face the trials that He has equipped us for.  If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.  So dance in the rain, and watch for the rainbow

Be blessed.


  1. Oh my yes...I could use a gulley washing rain right now girl! Bring on the reign! Love you sister loved by God!


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