Martha, Martha, Martha....
It's time again for the, ummm, let's see...maybe the 10th annual Ringis Fourth of July Bash. It just sort of happened; We became the ones that 'always' have the party on the 4th. Or whatever Saturday happened to be closest to it. This year we are celebrating the 4th on the 4th. Novel, huh?
My husband loves to entertain as much as I do. Especially when it's an outside shin-dig. He takes his role very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he drives me a little insane. Cutting grass all over the property, even in the pastures far from the house, he wants the grass well manicured. He wants me to trim around the little Walnut saplings that are so far from the house that I'm certain no one can see them...and even if they could - or did - I'm certain they wouldn't give two rips whether or not the grass around the tree was cut precisely. I spend a lot of time rolling my eyes during the days leading up to our party.
Randy walks off a 100-yard football field in the front pasture and marks each 10-yard line with a small plastic cone. Then he cuts the grass as short as possible along the lines. It's a bon a fide football field sans goal posts. We found flag football belts on clearance a few years ago, so we have enough belts for 52 people to play. It has become the highlight of the party. Pride is on the line. Bragging rights are won and lost, year after year. Rain or shine.
As I'm listening to my beloved husband go over our list for the umpteenth time, I'm thinking to myself how annoying this is...and how relieved I'll be when it's over. And BLAM! Just like that...God starts teaching me. Ugh. Can't I just be a rotten little brat for a bit??
Lesson number one: my husband is a man of integrity. Even if no one ever sees the grass that is cut nicely way out in the pasture, he knows it was done right. Here I was, thinking of ways to cut corners because no one would know...but me. God calls us to a life of integrity. And if we can't demonstrate that quality in the little things of life, then how are we to be trusted to have integrity on the big things?
Lesson number two: I was thinking about how I was having a Mary heart while my husband is hung up on his Martha ways...what's that mean? In Luke 10:38, Jesus was visiting the home of Mary and Martha. Martha was all worried about making sure the bread was baked, the pillows were fluffed, the candles were lit, and so on, while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and enjoyed His company. Martha finally complained to Jesus, asking Him to make Mary get off her lazy duff and help...but Jesus, in the most gentle of ways, says to her, "Martha, Martha. You are worried and upset about may things, but only ONE THING is needed..."
I can just picture the scene from the Brady Bunch, when Jan says, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" And hear Jesus in my head, "Martha, Martha, Martha..." I'm grinning as I think about it - but back to the story. Jesus was telling her that it's more important to enjoy your company, especially when Jesus stops by, than it is to worry and fret about the 'details'.
So, while I'm watching my husband scurry around, attending to every last detail, I'm getting all pious and thinking I'm focused on what's important. And suddenly, I see the stern face of Jesus, arms crossed, shaking his head at ME! What? Why are you looking at ME like that? I'm Mary! He's the Martha here!
"Really? Then how is it that once your friends and family arrive, he's the one sitting around laughing and visiting while you're running around like the proverbial chicken? It's because he was prepared. He has a Mary-heart when it matters. You go full out Martha when your guests arrive. Get off your high horse and get ready!"
*sigh* My toes hurt. My pride is wounded. Jesus is right. Of course. He's always right. Duh. I really do go 'Martha' when the people I love and want t be with arrive, and I become unavailable. I'm busy looking for towels, refilling the lemonade, checking the meat, and on and on.
Well, I hope everyone has a blessed holiday. I have work to do now...before my friends and family show up. Just remember, freedom isn't free. In the USA it costs many men and women their lives. And our ultimate freedom from sin cost the blood of Jesus Christ. Appreciate your freedom.
Be blessed!
My husband loves to entertain as much as I do. Especially when it's an outside shin-dig. He takes his role very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he drives me a little insane. Cutting grass all over the property, even in the pastures far from the house, he wants the grass well manicured. He wants me to trim around the little Walnut saplings that are so far from the house that I'm certain no one can see them...and even if they could - or did - I'm certain they wouldn't give two rips whether or not the grass around the tree was cut precisely. I spend a lot of time rolling my eyes during the days leading up to our party.
As I'm listening to my beloved husband go over our list for the umpteenth time, I'm thinking to myself how annoying this is...and how relieved I'll be when it's over. And BLAM! Just like that...God starts teaching me. Ugh. Can't I just be a rotten little brat for a bit??
Lesson number one: my husband is a man of integrity. Even if no one ever sees the grass that is cut nicely way out in the pasture, he knows it was done right. Here I was, thinking of ways to cut corners because no one would know...but me. God calls us to a life of integrity. And if we can't demonstrate that quality in the little things of life, then how are we to be trusted to have integrity on the big things?
Lesson number two: I was thinking about how I was having a Mary heart while my husband is hung up on his Martha ways...what's that mean? In Luke 10:38, Jesus was visiting the home of Mary and Martha. Martha was all worried about making sure the bread was baked, the pillows were fluffed, the candles were lit, and so on, while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and enjoyed His company. Martha finally complained to Jesus, asking Him to make Mary get off her lazy duff and help...but Jesus, in the most gentle of ways, says to her, "Martha, Martha. You are worried and upset about may things, but only ONE THING is needed..."
I can just picture the scene from the Brady Bunch, when Jan says, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" And hear Jesus in my head, "Martha, Martha, Martha..." I'm grinning as I think about it - but back to the story. Jesus was telling her that it's more important to enjoy your company, especially when Jesus stops by, than it is to worry and fret about the 'details'.
So, while I'm watching my husband scurry around, attending to every last detail, I'm getting all pious and thinking I'm focused on what's important. And suddenly, I see the stern face of Jesus, arms crossed, shaking his head at ME! What? Why are you looking at ME like that? I'm Mary! He's the Martha here!
"Really? Then how is it that once your friends and family arrive, he's the one sitting around laughing and visiting while you're running around like the proverbial chicken? It's because he was prepared. He has a Mary-heart when it matters. You go full out Martha when your guests arrive. Get off your high horse and get ready!"
*sigh* My toes hurt. My pride is wounded. Jesus is right. Of course. He's always right. Duh. I really do go 'Martha' when the people I love and want t be with arrive, and I become unavailable. I'm busy looking for towels, refilling the lemonade, checking the meat, and on and on.
Well, I hope everyone has a blessed holiday. I have work to do now...before my friends and family show up. Just remember, freedom isn't free. In the USA it costs many men and women their lives. And our ultimate freedom from sin cost the blood of Jesus Christ. Appreciate your freedom.
Be blessed!
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