Childish Ways
I can't believe it's already supper time on Sunday evening...I must have had fun this weekend because time sure did fly.
I had the privilege of spending time with one of my grand babies on Friday night. He is almost 2. Less than a month to go until his birthday. He's such a fun little man. Full of energy and wide - eyed fascination of everything he sees.
He reminded me of why JESUS said that unless we become like little children we would not enter the kingdom of God. (Matt. 18:3) Corbyn has a sense of awe about him that JESUS wants me to have. Everything from worms slithering under the rocks that we turned over to the bird nest we discovered in the gazebo was reason to pause and stare.
As adults it's so easy to lose that sense of wonder when we see the everyday things of life. Sure, we are still amazed at childbirth or a majestic view from atop a high mountain, but when is the last time you studied those little ants crawling across the kitchen floor and thought about the amazing creativity of our God?
The innocence of little children is baffling. They trust easily and love unconditionally. Oh to be that way again, before the world corrupted my heart.
I asked my husband, as I pulled Corbyn through the yard in his little red wagon, "Why didn't we enjoy our own children as much as our grandchildren? " His response did little to assuage my guilt. "We were busy."
Fact is, we are still busy. Maybe busier than ever. The difference is that we now understand what our grandparents knew. Life is short and oh, so precious. Too soon the little people are grownups and learning the same lessons we did.
I'm going to work on my sense of awe, and the best way to start is with a grateful heart. I'm so thankful for my grandchildren, who cause me to pause and put aside laundry and dishes and spend time sitting in the driveway drawing chalk rainbows. If only i had been this smart when my children were two. But life is full of lessons that we all must learn the hard way...on our own. No amount of well meaning advice will help, either.
Just trust me when I say, that being a Gammie is the best thing ever!
Be blessed!
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