One Extreme to the Other
It's hot today! Extremely hot. So hot that the black wrought iron arms of my chaise lounge chair burned my arm. I know...whaaaa! Right? (I know I'm blessed to be able to do my "job" by the pool.)
My husband says I can't complain about the heat AND the cold. And I'm sure we all can remember the extremely cold, seemingly long winter that finally loosened it's grip on us a mere four or five weeks ago.
I would argue that I CAN complain about both the heat and the cold, because in truth I'm not whining about the temperature. I'm lamenting the extremes. The TOO. Too hot. Too cold. Too expensive. Too lazy. Too tired. Too young. Too old.
Can you relate? We've all heard it said that too much of a good thing can be bad and we've all also heard the argument to the contrary. "No such thing as too much of a good thing." But that becomes the "never enough" state of mind. Equally as dangerous a place to be.
Can you ever get too much God in your life? I say no. But don't be confused. I do believe there is such a thing as too much religion. And that is not what God wants from us.
The Pharasees were too religious. So religious that they totally missed it when the Messiah was standing right in front of their faces. They sent him to the cross, not believing. Wasn't God smart to take that which was intended for harm and use it to His glory?
People, my sinful self included, tend to go to extremes in our search to fill a void in our souls that only God can fill. Extreme is the theme of our modern culture. Extreme sports. Extreme Home Make-Over. Extreme fitness. We want things to be extremely fast and extremely convenient.
The reality is that we are extremely hungry for something...but we don't know what. So will go to extremes to figure it out, when as Christians (as my dear friend Lisa says) we are like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. We had the answer all along. Just like Dorothy ' s ruby slippers. Once we have accepted JESUS as our Lord and Savior, we have the Spirit of God in us. And that's the answer to all we are looking for.
That's extremely good news.
Be blessed.