No Perfect Card for Father's Day

Today I am writing this from my porch swing where I am taking a break from chasing my soon to be two year old grandson. He's so inquisitive and busy that he keeps me hopping the whole time he's here. 

Yesterday was Father's Day and I am sorry to say that a dear friend lost her father last night to a brief but horrible illness. It breaks my heart that she lost him at all, but the fact that it was Father's Day means that each year  she will have a fresh wave of grief as the rest of the world celebrates. Thankfully, she still has something to celebrate because her father was a great man and was loved by many.  I know she and her siblings will miss him tremendously.

There are many of us who weren't so lucky to have had such a wonderful father.   I'm blessed that I have had the opportunity to reconcile with my father, before it was too late...but i have spent far too long in the Hallmark aisle in preparation for Father's Day, reading card after card, unable to find the right one. Where are the ones that convey heartache and disappointment for all the years lost, and the time spent waiting and hoping for a miracle that wasn't coming?   Where are the ones that say, "Even though you weren't there for me all those years, I forgive you"? 

I didn't have a photo of my dad walking me down the aisle on my wedding day to post on Facebook, like so many of my friends did.  And the only way I know what a normal, healthy father - daughter relationship looks like is what I have achingly witnessed in the lives of my friends.  I'm going to spend whatever time I have left with my dad pretending that the former years never happened,  or that there isn't a gaping hole in my heart that may never fully heal.  But I will strive to make the very best of them.

I know I'm not alone in my pain.   JESUS understands.   He felt it that day on the cross when He said "Eloi! Eloi!  Lama Sabachthani? " Which means "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?"  How it must have broken His heart to have His father turn away from Him.

But God had a plan all along, just like He does for you and me.  And while there are some things that seem unfair,  we have to know that God will take what Satan intended for harm as use it to His glory. (Gen 50:20)

So to all my friend's who had a dad that was a hero to you, a dad that played a special birthday song every year, or a dad that cared enough to try, thank God for him every chance you get.  Never take one moment for granted.

For those who understand what I'm talking about,  I pray that you can forgive your father,  whether he asked for it or not.  It's never too late to forgive someone. It's a gift that you can only give yourself.   Unforgiveness is only hurting you.  God wants to heal your broken heart.  

Be blessed.


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