Two Simple Words
Today I got to help deliver lunches to several school-aged children that the local school has labeled as the ones most in need of proper nutrition during the summer, when they are not able to get free breakfast and lunch from the cafeteria. It's a city-wide program that some group organizes, then recruits other groups (like Rotary Club) to pick three or four days during the summer to provide meals. That's how I got involved - as a Rotarian. We delivered boxed Subway lunches, which always draws a smile from the little faces that peek through the window to see who's knocking on their door.
Only a few (usually an adult) acted as if they expected or were owed this lunch for their children, but when we were greeted at the door by a youngster, their eyes lit up and they always thanked us, some in a mere whisper, others with a boisterous "Thank you!" as they waved enthusiastically. That's why volunteers do what they do...for the happy faces left in their wake as they spread kindness and good deeds throughout a community.
So, naturally, I've been thinking a lot about the blessings in my own life and how thankful I am to God for everything He has blessed me with. I once read:
"What if you wake up tomorrow morning, and all you have is what you thanked God for today?"
That statement has changed my prayer life. These days, as soon as my eyes flutter open in the morning, I thank God for another day, for the breath in my lungs, and start naming off things...comfy bed, soft pillows, warm blanket, hubby, cat, hot water, a house, a car, gas for the car, etc. I am thankful!
And again, as my head hits the pillow, I start naming things...the sunset, food on the table, or the ability to be able to eat out when we want to, a dishwasher, a washer and dryer...and sex. :) Yes, you should be thanking the Lord for the way He designed us to enjoy sex with our husbands and being able to give and receive pleasure and love. It is a blessing.
Being grateful is the starting place for finding true joy in life. It's hard to be down and miserable, when you focus on the things you are thankful for. Many people will tell you that they are thankful to God...but what about showing gratitude to the people in your life? When's the last time you hugged your husband tightly and said,
"Honey, thank you for taking such good care of our yard. It always looks so nice and I appreciate it so much!"
Or when did you last hug your teenager and say,
"Thank you for bringing me so much joy and laughter. I love your sense of humor and I am so proud to be your mom!"
Birthday cards don't count here! Especially with kids. All they care about is how much money falls out when they open it and pretend to read it. I'm talking about an unsolicited, heart-felt expression of gratitude.
I really enjoy sending random thank you notes to people in the mail. People get nothing but junk these days, so to come across an envelope with their names hand-written on the front, brings a smile every time, because typically bills don't come with hand-written envelopes. As a brand new Realtor, I made it a habit of sending notes to any and every client I dealt with, and if I didn't have a client, I sent notes to other business people I had been in contact with. My goal was to send five notes out each day.
One card went to gentleman who was looking for an investment property. I showed him a few homes and nothing really interested him. But a few weeks later he called me again and asked to see a particular property that he then purchased. At the closing table (my very first time!) he said to me,
"Do you know why I called you again? I have several friends in real estate, but it was because you took the time to send me a thank you card. No one else has ever done that."
That was the best forty-one cent investment I ever made.
My new 'thing' that I'm trying to make a habit, and encourage my adult kids to do as well, is to send a text or email with a photo of whatever I bought with money received as a gift, or a picture of myself enjoying the gift, like wearing the handmade hat that my mom crocheted for me. Today I sent a picture of my Dairy Queen Blizzard that I treated myself to with some of the birthday money I received from my mother-in-law. For several months after Christmas, I would send our youngest daughter pictures from Starbucks, each time I used the gift card that she had given me.
Even the apostle Paul and Timothy, wrote to the church in Philippi (Phil 1:3)
"I thank my god every time I remember you,"
and in 1 Thessalonians 3:9, Paul, Timothy and Silas express gratitude to their friends in Thessalonica,
"How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?"
Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Way back then...and still today. It's a basic human need - to be loved and appreciated.
Teaching our children and our grandchildren to be thankful to God is so very important, but we can't forget to teach them to show appreciation to others, starting with their parents. Saying "Please" and "Thank you," shouldn't be should be very much in style today! Since it's summer time, wouldn't your child's teacher from last year be surprised to receive a hand-written note from a past student? I'm certain it would make his or her day.
I want to challenge you today, to look around you and see who has the most thankless job, and surprise them with a note or some cookies, or something small. Is it the trash man? The dog groomer? Your pastor? I promise you that no one can hear those sweet words too often, "Thank you for what you do. You are appreciated." And it will bless YOUR socks off just saying those words.
Thank you, for taking the time to read my blog, and allowing me to share my love for the Lord with you...and you...and you...and you. :)
Be OH SO blessed today!
Only a few (usually an adult) acted as if they expected or were owed this lunch for their children, but when we were greeted at the door by a youngster, their eyes lit up and they always thanked us, some in a mere whisper, others with a boisterous "Thank you!" as they waved enthusiastically. That's why volunteers do what they do...for the happy faces left in their wake as they spread kindness and good deeds throughout a community.
So, naturally, I've been thinking a lot about the blessings in my own life and how thankful I am to God for everything He has blessed me with. I once read:
"What if you wake up tomorrow morning, and all you have is what you thanked God for today?"
That statement has changed my prayer life. These days, as soon as my eyes flutter open in the morning, I thank God for another day, for the breath in my lungs, and start naming off things...comfy bed, soft pillows, warm blanket, hubby, cat, hot water, a house, a car, gas for the car, etc. I am thankful!
And again, as my head hits the pillow, I start naming things...the sunset, food on the table, or the ability to be able to eat out when we want to, a dishwasher, a washer and dryer...and sex. :) Yes, you should be thanking the Lord for the way He designed us to enjoy sex with our husbands and being able to give and receive pleasure and love. It is a blessing.
Being grateful is the starting place for finding true joy in life. It's hard to be down and miserable, when you focus on the things you are thankful for. Many people will tell you that they are thankful to God...but what about showing gratitude to the people in your life? When's the last time you hugged your husband tightly and said,
"Honey, thank you for taking such good care of our yard. It always looks so nice and I appreciate it so much!"
Or when did you last hug your teenager and say,
"Thank you for bringing me so much joy and laughter. I love your sense of humor and I am so proud to be your mom!"
Birthday cards don't count here! Especially with kids. All they care about is how much money falls out when they open it and pretend to read it. I'm talking about an unsolicited, heart-felt expression of gratitude.
I really enjoy sending random thank you notes to people in the mail. People get nothing but junk these days, so to come across an envelope with their names hand-written on the front, brings a smile every time, because typically bills don't come with hand-written envelopes. As a brand new Realtor, I made it a habit of sending notes to any and every client I dealt with, and if I didn't have a client, I sent notes to other business people I had been in contact with. My goal was to send five notes out each day.
One card went to gentleman who was looking for an investment property. I showed him a few homes and nothing really interested him. But a few weeks later he called me again and asked to see a particular property that he then purchased. At the closing table (my very first time!) he said to me,
"Do you know why I called you again? I have several friends in real estate, but it was because you took the time to send me a thank you card. No one else has ever done that."
That was the best forty-one cent investment I ever made.

Even the apostle Paul and Timothy, wrote to the church in Philippi (Phil 1:3)
"I thank my god every time I remember you,"
and in 1 Thessalonians 3:9, Paul, Timothy and Silas express gratitude to their friends in Thessalonica,
"How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?"
Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Way back then...and still today. It's a basic human need - to be loved and appreciated.
Teaching our children and our grandchildren to be thankful to God is so very important, but we can't forget to teach them to show appreciation to others, starting with their parents. Saying "Please" and "Thank you," shouldn't be should be very much in style today! Since it's summer time, wouldn't your child's teacher from last year be surprised to receive a hand-written note from a past student? I'm certain it would make his or her day.
I want to challenge you today, to look around you and see who has the most thankless job, and surprise them with a note or some cookies, or something small. Is it the trash man? The dog groomer? Your pastor? I promise you that no one can hear those sweet words too often, "Thank you for what you do. You are appreciated." And it will bless YOUR socks off just saying those words.
Thank you, for taking the time to read my blog, and allowing me to share my love for the Lord with you...and you...and you...and you. :)
Be OH SO blessed today!
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