Send me to my Room...Please!

Have you even seen a "cat fight"?  No, I don't mean two felines.  I mean two girls, scrapping it out, complete with hair pulling and limbs flailing.   Well, if I could travel back in time, I just might get myself into that sort of situation.

I would find myself in the Garden of Eden, standing near the forbidden tree...just waiting for Eve to show up.  And I would try to talk reasonably with her...but if that didn't work,  I would not be above an all - out cat fight.  I would do whatever it took to keep her from sinking her pearly whites into that sumptuous looking fruit. 

Why?  Because I'm tired of being a slave to my hormones!   And I blame her for PMS, and lots of other issues too, but I firmly believe that before the fall of man, the body (in it's state of perfection) stayed in balance all month long, no ebb and flow of strange emotions running rampant through the mind.

Even though I know why I am behaving badly,  I feel helpless to stop the sullen attitude,  the furrowed brow, the pursed lips and overall ruffling of my proverbial tail feathers.  It's not my fault

Thankfully,  the older I get, the better I seem to know myself, thus making me keenly aware that it's not my husband who is irritating me... While I'm powerless to stop the flow of cutting words about to spew from my mouth, I can feel them starting to form in the back of my throat.  I can excuse myself and bury my face in a pillow as the eruption begins.  This serves to help me avoid having to apologize later for things I shouldn't have said.

If that's not enough, I can ground myself to the mower for a few hours,  pumping my " Happy" play list into my head as I circle trees and dodge low - hanging branches.  Typically that will do it, but on the rare and painful occasion that it's just not doing the trick,  I have found that a nap on a floatie will finish the job.

The best defense is a good offense,  right?   So I'm encouraging you to be on the offensive when you need to be and spare your family the torture.   After all,  it wasn't their fault that Eve ruined it for us. 
Did you know that in the Old Testament times, women were kicked out of the house and sent out back to live in a tent during their period.  That makes me appreciate the fact that we no longer practice that custom.  But it sure made sense!

Be blessed.


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